Recent Trends In Advanced Computing (ICRTAC'23)

December 14th - 15th,2023
Organised by
School Of Computer Science and Engineering

In Collaboration with

VIT Business School

Vellore Institute of Technology,Chennai Campus, India

Chief Patron

1st Patron

Dr. G. Viswanathan

Chancellor, VIT


1st Patron
Mr. Sankar Viswanathan

Vice-President, VIT

2nd Patron
Dr. Sekar Viswanathan

Vice-President, VIT

3rd Patron
Dr. G V Selvam

Vice-President, VIT

4th Patron
Dr. Sandhya Pentareddy

Executive Director, VIT

5th Patron
Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan

Assistant Vice President, VIT

7th Patron
Dr. V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran

Vice Chancellor(In Charge), VIT Chennai

8th Patron
Dr. P.K.Manoharan

Additional Registrar, VIT Chennai